Modern network devices have advanced from simple transmitting of messages (email.documents, multimedia etc), network devices like Cisco routers and switches provide the features for network administrators to reading system messages from their internal buffer about network situation at a particular time.

  1. Syslog-ng has an advanced internal logging mechanism. In case of event info, warning, error, fatal or debug messages are generated. All messages generated internally by syslog-ng use a special source called internal. Syslog-ng is shipped with a configuration which collects the internal logs into /var/log/messages.
  2. Edgenode-01a(tier0sr) get bgp neighbor summary BFD States: NC - Not configured, AC - Activating,DC - Disconnected AD - Admin down, DW - Down, IN - Init,UP - Up BGP summary information for VRF default for address-family: ipv4Unicast Router ID: Local AS: 100 Neighbor AS State Up/DownTime BFD InMsgs OutMsgs InPfx OutPfx 192.168.240.
  3. On the client, run the command below, press ENTER and type anything. You should be able to see what you type on the server. Nc -u 514. If all is good, edit the rsyslog configuration file as shown below; vim /etc/rsyslog.conf. To send authentication logs over port 514/UDP, add the following line at the end of the file.

Syslog is a standard for logging service in Linux, it usually run as daemon like syslogd or rsyslogd. Syslog daemon will be forward and store logs in /var/log directory, you may configure it to store at separate location if you want. (we will look into it later). And there is a major file that store majority of logs, which is messages.

The way to do this is by using the Syslog server.

Cracksnow premiere pro cc 2018. Cisco network devices (Routers and Switches) use Syslog to send system messages and debug output to a local logging process inside the device.

These system messages can even be sent across the network to a Syslog server or to an internal buffer so that you can view them at your convenience at a later time right through the device command-line interface. Whichever way you choose is configurable.

You can use the following destinations for Syslog messages:

• The logging buffer (RAM inside the router or switch)
• The console line
• The terminal lines
• A Syslog server

So you know, all system messages and debug output generated by the router or switch IOS go out only the console port by default and are also logged in buffers in RAM. To accomplish the sending of messages from Cisco routers, to the VTY lines, use the terminal monitor command.

Basically, by default, you will see something like this on your console line:

*Oct 21 17:33:50.565:%LINK-5-CHANGED:Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed
state to administratively down
*Oct 21 17:33:51.565:%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN:Line protocol on Interface
FastEthernet0/0, changed state to down

Cisco router would send a summarized version of the message to the Syslog server that would look something like this:

Seq no:timestamp: %facility-severity-MNEMONIC:description

A detail explanation of what this means:
seq no: This a sequence number of the message, but not by default. for you to know the time the message was sent, you’ve got to configure it.
Timestamp: This means Data and time of the message or event, which also need to be configured
Facility : The facility to which the message refers.
Severity: this a single-digit code from 0 to 7 that shows the severity of the message.
MNEMONIC: Text string that uniquely describes the message.
Description: Text string containing detailed information about the event being reported.

Example of Real syslog message:

Apr 10 14:10:01.052: %MESKING-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0,
changed state to down

= A timestamp: *Apr 10 14:10:01.052
The facility on the router that generated the message: %MESKING
The severity level: 5
A mnemonic for the message: UPDOWN
The description of the message: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to down

Syslog Severity levels Explained:

Emergency (severity 0) System is unusable.
Alert (severity 1) Immediate action is needed.
Critical (severity 2) Critical condition.
Error (severity 3) Error condition.
Warning (severity 4) Warning condition.
Notification (severity 5) Normal but significant condition.
Information (severity 6) Normal information message.
Debugging (severity 7) Debugging message.

How to Configure and Verify Syslog.

Cisco devices send all log messages according to the severity level you configure or chosen to the console.
These messages also go to the buffer, and both happen by default.
You can disable and enable these features with the following commands, to enable use:

Router(config)#logging ?

The above command with a question mark will display all the options to choose from.

Router(config)#logging console
Router(config)#logging buffered

The configuration above can be used to enable the console and buffer to receive all log messages of all severity, just know that this is the default setting for all Cisco IOS devices.

If you want to disable the defaults, use the following commands:


Router(config)#no logging console
Router(config)#no logging buffered

A Syslog server saves copies of console messages and can time-stamp them for viewing at a later time. This feature can be enabled with the following command:

HQ(config)#service timestamps log datetime msec Baidu app store.

The above command will save all the console messages in one location to be viewed at your convenience! use the logging host ip_address command.

You can set a limit to a number of messages sent to the Syslog server, based on the severity with the following command:

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SF(config)#logging trap warnings

The command above shows that you can use either the number or the actual severity level name—and they are in alphabetical order, not severity order, Cisco router will send messages for levels 0 through 4 (warnings)


There are a number of protocols powering the Internet of Things. Choosing the right one will depend on your project's security, bandwidth and reliability needs, or maybe just your device computing limitations. In some cases like cellular transmission, the good old TCP/UDP packet transmission will work just fine. This article will show you how to simulate a client using a useful tool called Netcat and realize the immediate connection using your own computer's terminal.

To learn how to send data to Ubidots using these protocols, see Send Data to Ubidots over TCP or UDP.

What is Netcat?

Netcat is a featured networking utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using the TCP/IP protocol. Designed to be a reliable 'back-end' tool, Netcat can be used directly with other programs and scripts to send files from a client to a server and back. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and exploration tool that can specify the network patameters while also establishing a connection to a remote host via a tunnel.

Although Netcat can do many things, its main purpose and most desirable function is to:

Nc Send Syslog Message

  1. Create an initial socket to establish a connection from server to the client.
  2. Once connected, Netcat will automatically generate a second socket to transmit files from the server to the client and visa versa. (This is the really cool part.)

Reference below for a diagram of the data Netcat protocol architecture.

Something so simple happens to be extraordinarily powerful and flexible as you will see below. For simplicity, local connections are used, although, of course, they can be used between different machines.


nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports]
nc -l -p port [-options] [hostname] [port]

Basic parameters

  • -l: set the 'listen' mode, waits for the incoming connections.
  • -p: local port
  • -u: set the UDP mode

Test your Netcat understanding as a client-server

Open two computer terminals, the first will act as the server and the second will be the client.

TCP client

With Netcat your PC can be converted in a server, you want to begin as a server that listens at port 2399:

In addition, we can use the server to connect to the port (2399) recently opened, from the client side:

As you can see on the image below, the connection is established:

Netcat Nc Syslog

With the connection established you are now able to write to the server from the client:

In the terminal where the server is running, your text files will appear seamlessly.

UDP client

By default Netcat uses the TCP protocol for its communications, but it can also UDP using the -u option.

As we mentioned at the previous step, Netcat lets you convert your PC in a server. In this case we're going to establish the connection between the server and the client but using UDP.

From the server side, run the command below. As you can see, the command establishes the UDP connection just requires the -u to be added to the command:

Once you start the server, establish the connection with the client:

Now the client and the server are using UDP protocol for their communication. You can verify commincation using the netstat command in a new (3rd) computer terminal.

Nc Syslog

$ netstat| grep2399
udp 0 0 localhost:2399 localhost:57508 ESTABLISHED

As you can see in the images below, the message is received by the server, and the transmission is verified by the connection:

With this introduction to Netcat, you now have a better understanding of this advanced tool to send data quickly and efficiently between client and server. For additional information, check out this link.

Happy Hacking! :)

This article was originally published on Ubidots' Blog on June 22, 2017.