Photo Booth Effects Online
photo booth - Photo Booth is a small software application for taking photos and videos with an iSight camera by Apple Inc. for Mac OS X.
- A photo booth is a vending machine or modern kiosk that contains an automated, usually coin-operated, camera and film processor. Today the vast majority of photo booths are digital. Traditionally photo booths contain a seat or bench designed to seat the one or two patrons being photographed.
effects - (effect) produce; 'The scientists set up a shock wave'
- property of a personal character that is portable but not used in business; 'she left some of her personal effects in the house'; 'I watched over their effects until they returned'
- (effect) consequence: a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; 'the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise'; 'his decision had depressing consequences for business'; 'he acted very wise after the event'
online - on-line: on a regular route of a railroad or bus or airline system; 'on-line industries'
- on-line(a): being in progress now; 'on-line editorial projects'
- With processing of data carried out simultaneously with its production
- While so connected or under computer control
- on-line: connected to a computer network or accessible by computer; 'an on-line database'
Adriene made me a silver necklace that says PussyPower!
Adriene had this silver necklace made for my birthday. She appreciates my attempts to reclaim this word. When I was in college, I became sick and infuriated when hearing men call other men 'pussys' for not being a 'real man.' But even more untolerable was hearing other women call other men 'pussys' for failing at 'manhood.' Whenever I heard 'pussy' used in such a condescending way, I would always say 'excuse me? those are my genitals you are referring to and my Pussy is POWERFUL, not weak. So if you are going to de-masculinize a man, you can de-phallasize him, you can call him an ass asshole, you can call him a dick, a bastard, but never give him the power of your pussy.' After giving that speech once every week I decided something had to be done, women needed to reclaim the word 'pussy' and in effect reclaim their own pussies. So I coined the term 'pussy power kunt control.' Pussy Power stuck while kunt control fell to the wayside. I made buttons with the word 'Pussy Power' and I passed it out to women who honored their pussies by referring to it as celebratory word, not a hurtful word. Adriene has known me for about 10 years now and I think she has heard me give that speech so many times. Finally I have a beautiful necklace for my birthday from one of my best friends! thank you Adriene! you TOO have the power of the Pussy! We will reclaim an identity that we allowed to be taken away from and reclaim the responsibilities that comes along with it. If YOU have Pussy Power, NEVER let a man or boy and most importantly another woman call another male a pussy in a hurtful or denigrating way. Those are YOUR genitals. PUSSY POWER! Now on a separate note - Several friends commented on how they were so amazed I could post these photos about Adriene's pussy power necklace gift for me openly on flickr. My birthday was back in April - and those few comments made me pause before posting this on my blog. So here are my thoughts on this matter. so when my friends told me that I was brave to openly post these- I ask them why exactly should I have been embarrassed or afraid? They would say well you know you get google searched for jobs and grants and people might think that you are a liability or they may judge you before they get to meet you. Academic colleagues have said well your students are going to find it and you're never going to get tenured for posting this or what happens if your professor sees this online? Well duh - I always googled people before I would interview, hire or even meet someone. I would like to remind everyone that I was openly doing internet searches on potential dates and hirings back in the late 1900's and early 2000's before Google even existed ok? So of COURSE I understand that this public internet posting will be potentially seen by my past, current and future colleagues and/or students. But I don't think I am doing anything wrong or embarrassing when I insist that women not allow the word 'pussy' to be used in a derogatory way. I am not using it in a nasty way - so how is that a liability? What I find offensive is when people remain quiet when something offensive is said. And worse off I find it offensive when people judge others for unsubstantiated reasons. To be anymore hush-hush with pussy feeds into larger schemas of patriarchy and misogyny. I stand behind my attempts to un-dirty the word in a fashionable way. For too long (not in all communities) women's reproductive organs have been considered to be profane and unworthy of equal respect to the phallus. The sexuality associated with vaginas have been seen as a threat and rituals are created to take away the power from their vaginas. The menstrual cycles that women go through are seen as filthy - requiring physical separation of women from the community. I find it problematic that although we have formal gender equality, this is not always reflected in our vernacular. The heavy association of the word 'pussy' is too weighted on the side of the 'nasty' or as lacking a cock which means lacking power. So powerful and normalized is the cock that we celebrate and laugh at the word. Even when a male is called a 'cock' - like 'he's such a cock,' he's a cock precisely because of his unwarranted use of power. We laugh at jokes about 'dicks' - such as Justin Timberlake's Dick in a Box - but the word pussy is so nasty and weak that it can't even be intellectualized or comedized (I made this word up) in popular culture. My point is that the verbal representitive use of genitals reflects underlying real world inequalities and tensions between males and femals. I simply will not be embarassed by the names of female genitals - And if this prevents me from being hired - then I certainly don't belong at that organization, institution or company. And if students
Reia Ayunan [Ulzzang Mode]
I ar soooo vaiiinnn!! :D ** I got addicted to Ulzzangs that I wanted to try doing it in purikura format!!! NOTE: NOT photoshopped!!! I only added purikura effects and adjusted saturation and contrast!!! ?(jjang): Korean slang that means 'best.' Ulzzang means 'best face' in Korean and the word is used both online and in real life. In Japanese popular culture, Purikura (???? ,Purikura?) is either a photo sticker booth or the product of such a photo booth. The name is a shortened form of the a registered trademark purinto kurabu (??????? ,Purinto Kurabu?). The term derives from the English print club.